
Dropdowns are toggleable, contextual overlays for displaying lists of links and actions in a dropdown menu format.

BDropdown components are toggleable, contextual overlays for displaying lists of links, and more. They're toggled by clicking (or pressing space or enter when focused), not by hovering; this is an intentional design decision.

<BDropdown text="Dropdown Button" class="me-2">
  <BDropdownItem>First Action</BDropdownItem>
  <BDropdownItem>Second Action</BDropdownItem>
  <BDropdownItem>Third Action</BDropdownItem>
  <BDropdownDivider />
  <BDropdownItem active>Active action</BDropdownItem>
  <BDropdownItem disabled>Disabled action</BDropdownItem>

Button content

You can customize the text of the dropdown button by using either the text prop (shown in previous examples), or use the button-content slot instead of the text prop. The button-content slot allows you to use basic HTML and icons in the button content.

If both the prop text and slot button-content are present, the slot button-content will take precedence.

<div class="d-flex gap-2">
  <BDropdown text="Button text via Prop" class="me-2">
    <BDropdownItem href="#">An item</BDropdownItem>
    <BDropdownItem href="#">Another item</BDropdownItem>
  <BDropdown class="me-2">
    <template #button-content>
      Custom <strong>Content</strong> with <em>HTML</em> via Slot
    <BDropdownItem href="#">An item</BDropdownItem>
    <BDropdownItem href="#">Another item</BDropdownItem>


Dropdown supports various positioning such as left (start) and right (end) aligned, dropdown and dropup, and supports auto-flipping dropdown to dropup, and vice-versa) when the menu would overflow off of the visible screen area.

The dropdown menu can either be start aligned (default) or end aligned to the button above it. To have the dropdown aligned on the end, set the end prop.

<BDropdown text="Default Alignment" variant="primary" class="me-2">
  <BDropdownItem href="#">Action</BDropdownItem>
  <BDropdownItem href="#">Another action</BDropdownItem>
  <BDropdownItem href="#">Something else here</BDropdownItem>
<BDropdown start text="Start Alignment" variant="primary" class="me-2">
  <BDropdownItem href="#">Action</BDropdownItem>
  <BDropdownItem href="#">Another action</BDropdownItem>
  <BDropdownItem href="#">Something else here</BDropdownItem>
<BDropdown end text="End Align" variant="primary" class="me-2">
  <BDropdownItem href="#">Action</BDropdownItem>
  <BDropdownItem href="#">Another action</BDropdownItem>
  <BDropdownItem href="#">Something else here</BDropdownItem>
<BDropdown center text="Center" variant="primary" class="me-2">
  <BDropdownItem href="#">Action</BDropdownItem>
  <BDropdownItem href="#">Another action</BDropdownItem>
  <BDropdownItem href="#">Something else here</BDropdownItem>


Turn your dropdown menu into a drop-up menu by setting the placement prop.

<BDropdown placement="top" text="Drop-Up" variant="primary" class="me-2">
  <BDropdownItem href="#">Action</BDropdownItem>
  <BDropdownItem href="#">Another action</BDropdownItem>
  <BDropdownItem href="#">Something else here</BDropdownItem>

Drop placement

Turn your dropdown menu into a drop left, right or other menu by setting the placement prop.

Values for placement come from floating-ui's placement definition.

<BDropdown placement="right" text="Drop-right" variant="primary" class="me-2">
  <BDropdownItem href="#">Action</BDropdownItem>
  <BDropdownItem href="#">Another action</BDropdownItem>
  <BDropdownItem href="#">Something else here</BDropdownItem>
<BDropdown placement="left" text="Drop-left" variant="primary" class="me-2">
  <BDropdownItem href="#">Action</BDropdownItem>
  <BDropdownItem href="#">Another action</BDropdownItem>
  <BDropdownItem href="#">Something else here</BDropdownItem>
<BDropdown placement="right-start" text="Drop-right-start" variant="primary" class="me-2">
  <BDropdownItem href="#">Action</BDropdownItem>
  <BDropdownItem href="#">Another action</BDropdownItem>
  <BDropdownItem href="#">Something else here</BDropdownItem>
<BDropdown placement="left-end" text="Drop-left-end" variant="primary" class="me-2">
  <BDropdownItem href="#">Action</BDropdownItem>
  <BDropdownItem href="#">Another action</BDropdownItem>
  <BDropdownItem href="#">Something else here</BDropdownItem>

Auto "flipping"

By default, dropdowns may flip to the top, or the bottom, based on their current position in the viewport. To disable this auto-flip feature, set the no-flip prop.

<BDropdown text="No flipping" no-flip class="me-2">
  <BDropdownItem href="#">An item</BDropdownItem>
  <BDropdownItem href="#">Another item</BDropdownItem>
  <BDropdownItem href="#">Yet Another item</BDropdownItem>

Like to move your menu away from the toggle buttons a bit? Then use the offset prop to specify the number of pixels to push right (or left when negative) from the toggle button:

<BDropdown offset="25" text="Offset Dropdown" class="me-2">
  <BDropdownItem href="#">Action</BDropdownItem>
  <BDropdownItem href="#">Another action</BDropdownItem>
  <BDropdownItem href="#">Something else here</BDropdownItem>
  :offset="{alignmentAxis: 50, crossAxis: 60, mainAxis: 70}"
  text="Offset Dropdown 2 dimensions"
  <BDropdownItem href="#">Action</BDropdownItem>
  <BDropdownItem href="#">Another action</BDropdownItem>
  <BDropdownItem href="#">Something else here</BDropdownItem>

Floating Strategy

By default, the floating element will render using absolute. You can change this using the strategy prop. The only other option is fixed. See the floating-ui documentation for details.

<BDropdown text="Strategy fixed" strategy="fixed" class="me-2">
  <BDropdownItem href="#">Action</BDropdownItem>
  <BDropdownItem href="#">Another action</BDropdownItem>
  <BDropdownItem href="#">Something else here</BDropdownItem>

Boundary constraint

By default, dropdowns are visually constrained to their clipping ancestors, which will suffice in most situations. However, if you place a dropdown inside an element that has overflow: scroll (or similar) set, the dropdown menu may - in some situations - get cut off. To get around this, you can specify a boundary element via the boundary prop. Supported values any values from floating-uiBoundary or RootBoundary types. The default value is clippingAncestors.

Note: When boundary is any value other than the default of clippingAncestors, the style position: static is applied to the dropdown component's root element to allow the menu to "break out" of its scroll container. In some situations, this may affect your layout or positioning of the dropdown trigger button. In these cases, you may need to wrap your dropdown inside another element

Note: BootstrapVueNext uses floating-ui under the hood, so please read their options documnetation for details on boundary and boundary-padding.

Container element

By default, dropdowns are next to the toggle button. However, you can specify a container element via the container prop where dropdowns will be teleported to instead. Supported values are CSS selector string, an actual DOM node or a reference to an HTML element.

By default, the dropdown menu is closed when clicking inside or outside the dropdown menu. You can use the auto-close property to change this behavior of the dropdown.

The auto-closeproperty has 4 options.

  • true : the dropdown will be closed by clicking outside or inside the dropdown menu
  • false : the dropdown will be closed by clicking the toggle button and manually calling the hide method. (Also will not be closed by pressing esc key)
  • inside : the dropdown will be closed (only) by clicking inside the dropdown menu
  • outside : the dropdown will be closed (only) by clicking outside the dropdown menu
<BDropdown text="Default Dropdown" class="me-2">
  <BDropdownItemButton>Another action</BDropdownItemButton>
  <BDropdownItemButton>Something else here</BDropdownItemButton>
<BDropdown text="Clickable outside (auto-close=inside)" auto-close="inside" class="me-2">
  <BDropdownItemButton>Another action</BDropdownItemButton>
  <BDropdownItemButton>Something else here</BDropdownItemButton>
<BDropdown text="Clickable inside (auto-close=outside)" auto-close="outside" class="me-2">
  <BDropdownItemButton>Another action</BDropdownItemButton>
  <BDropdownItemButton>Something else here</BDropdownItemButton>
<BDropdown text="Manual close (auto-close=false)" :auto-close="false" class="me-2">
  <BDropdownItemButton>Another action</BDropdownItemButton>
  <BDropdownItemButton>Something else here</BDropdownItemButton>

Advanced floating-ui configuration

Occasionally you may want to modify the floating-ui behavior. We already expose some configurations through the no-flip, no-shift, strategy, and offset props. However, lower-level access to the API may sometimes be required. You can use the floatingMiddleware prop to define middleware to pass through to the floating-ui element.

You can view the Floating-ui docs to learn more about their middleware. Note: You will likely want to install @floating-ui/vue to use their middleware directly, rather than rebuilding middleware options.

Note: Using the floatingMiddleware prop will overwrite other defined middleware such as offset, noFlip, and noShift. They are not merged.

Split button support

Create a split dropdown button, where the left button provides standard click event and link support, while the right-hand side is the dropdown menu toggle button.

<BDropdown split text="Split Dropdown" class="me-2">
  <BDropdownItem href="#">Action</BDropdownItem>
  <BDropdownItem href="#">Another action</BDropdownItem>
  <BDropdownItem href="#">Something else here...</BDropdownItem>

The left split button defaults to an element of type <button> (a BButton to be exact). To convert this button into a link or RouterLink, specify the href via the split-href prop or a router link to value via the split-to prop, while maintaining the look of a button.

<BDropdown split split-href="#foo/bar" text="Split Link" class="me-2">
  <BDropdownItem href="#">Action</BDropdownItem>
  <BDropdownItem href="#">Another action</BDropdownItem>
  <BDropdownItem href="#">Something else here...</BDropdownItem>

Split button type

The split button defaults to a button type of button. You can specify an alternate type via the split-button-type prop. Supported values are: button, submit, and reset.

If props split-to or split-href are set, the split-button-type prop will be ignored.

Styling options

Dropdowns support various props for styling the dropdown trigger button.


Dropdowns work with trigger buttons of all sizes, including default and split dropdown buttons.

Set the size prop to either sm for a small button, or lg for a large button.

<div class="d-flex flex-wrap gap-2">
  <BDropdown size="lg" text="Large" class="me-2">
    <BDropdownItemButton>Another action</BDropdownItemButton>
    <BDropdownItemButton>Something else here</BDropdownItemButton>
  <BDropdown size="lg" split text="Large Split" class="me-2">
    <BDropdownItemButton>Another action</BDropdownItemButton>
    <BDropdownItemButton>Something else here...</BDropdownItemButton>
<div class="d-flex flex-wrap gap-2 mt-2">
  <BDropdown size="sm" text="Small" class="me-2">
    <BDropdownItemButton>Another action</BDropdownItemButton>
    <BDropdownItemButton>Something else here...</BDropdownItemButton>
  <BDropdown size="sm" split text="Small Split" class="me-2">
    <BDropdownItemButton>Another action</BDropdownItemButton>
    <BDropdownItemButton>Something else here...</BDropdownItemButton>

Note: changing the size of the button(s) does not affect the size of the menu items!

The dropdown toggle button can have one of the standard Bootstrap contextual variants applied by setting the prop variant to success, primary, info, danger, link, outline-dark, etc. (or custom variants, if defined). The default variant is secondary.

See the Variant Reference for a full list of built-in contextual variants.

<BDropdown text="Primary" variant="primary" class="me-2">
  <BDropdownItem href="#">Action</BDropdownItem>
  <BDropdownItem href="#">Another action</BDropdownItem>
  <BDropdownItem href="#">Something else here</BDropdownItem>
<BDropdown text="Success" variant="success" class="me-2">
  <BDropdownItem href="#">Action</BDropdownItem>
  <BDropdownItem href="#">Another action</BDropdownItem>
  <BDropdownItem href="#">Something else here</BDropdownItem>
<BDropdown text="Outline Danger" variant="outline-danger" class="me-2">
  <BDropdownItem href="#">Action</BDropdownItem>
  <BDropdownItem href="#">Another action</BDropdownItem>
  <BDropdownItem href="#">Something else here</BDropdownItem>

You can also apply arbitrary classes to the toggle button via the toggle-class prop.

Split button color variant

By default, the left split button uses the same variant as the toggle button. You can give the split button its variant via the split-variant prop.

  text="Split Variant Dropdown"
  <BDropdownItem href="#">Action</BDropdownItem>
  <BDropdownItem href="#">Another action</BDropdownItem>
  <BDropdownItem href="#">Something else here...</BDropdownItem>

Dark mode

Dark variants for components were deprecated in Bootstrap v5.3.0. See their documentation for details.

Block level dropdowns

By default, dropdowns act like buttons and are displayed inline. Create a full-width, “block button” by adding the classes d-grid and gap-2 to the BDropdown. For split buttons, wrap the BDropdown in a div that has the d-grid and gap-2 classes and add split-class="w-100" to the BDropdown itself. See the Bootstrap 5 button documentation for details

<BDropdown text="Block Level Dropdown" variant="primary" class="d-grid gap-2 mb-2">
  <BDropdownItem href="#">Action</BDropdownItem>
  <BDropdownItem href="#">Another action</BDropdownItem>
  <BDropdownItem href="#">Something else here</BDropdownItem>
<div class="d-grid gap-2">
    text="Block Level Split Dropdown"
    <BDropdownItem href="#">Action</BDropdownItem>
    <BDropdownItem href="#">Another action</BDropdownItem>
    <BDropdownItem href="#">Something else here...</BDropdownItem>

If you want the dropdown menu to span to the full width of the parent container too, add the w-100 utility class to the menu-class prop.

<BDropdown text="Block Level Dropdown Menu" block variant="primary" menu-class="w-100">
  <BDropdownItem href="#">Action</BDropdownItem>
  <BDropdownItem href="#">Another action</BDropdownItem>
  <BDropdownItem href="#">Something else here</BDropdownItem>

Many of the supported dropdown sub-components provide a variant prop for controlling their text color.

Hidden caret

The dropdown can be created with the toggle's caret visually hidden by setting the no-caret prop to true. This is useful when the dropdown is to be displayed as an icon.

<BDropdown size="lg" variant="link" toggle-class="text-decoration-none" no-caret>
  <template #button-content> &#x1f50d;<span class="visually-hidden">Search</span> </template>
  <BDropdownItem href="#">Action</BDropdownItem>
  <BDropdownItem href="#">Another action</BDropdownItem>
  <BDropdownItem href="#">Something else here...</BDropdownItem>

Note: The caret will always be shown when using split mode.

v-model support

The dropdown's opened state is bound to the component's v-model. Programatic control of the state of the dropdown can be managed via the model. The model can also be used to observe the state of the dropdown.

Open: false

  <p>Open: {{ model }}</p>

  <div class="d-flex gap-2 mb-2">
    <BButton @click="model = true">Open Dropdown</BButton>
    <BButton @click="model = false">Close Dropdown</BButton>

  <BDropdown v-model="model" text="Dropdown Button" class="me-2">
    <BDropdownItem>First Action</BDropdownItem>
    <BDropdownItem>Second Action</BDropdownItem>
    <BDropdownItem>Third Action</BDropdownItem>
    <BDropdownDivider />
    <BDropdownItem active>Active action</BDropdownItem>
    <BDropdownItem disabled>Disabled action</BDropdownItem>

<script setup lang="ts">
import {ref} from 'vue'

const model = ref<boolean>(false)

Exposed Methods

You are also able to use the built in methods for showing, hiding or toggling the dropdown viatemplate refs.

  1. show: shows the dropdown
  2. hide: hides the dropdown
  3. toggle: toggles the dropdown
  <div class="d-flex gap-2 mb-2">
    <BButton variant="danger" @click="show">Show</BButton>
    <BButton variant="success" @click="hide">Hide</BButton>
    <BButton @click="toggle">Toggle</BButton>

  <BDropdown ref="myDropdown" text="Dropdown Button" :auto-close="false" class="me-2">
    <BDropdownItem>First Action</BDropdownItem>
    <BDropdownItem>Second Action</BDropdownItem>
    <BDropdownItem>Third Action</BDropdownItem>
    <BDropdownDivider />
    <BDropdownItem active>Active action</BDropdownItem>
    <BDropdownItem disabled>Disabled action</BDropdownItem>

<script setup lang="ts">
import type {BDropdown} from 'bootstrap-vue-next'
import {ref} from 'vue'

const myDropdown = ref<null | InstanceType<typeof BDropdown>>(null)

const show = () => myDropdown.value?.show()
const hide = () => myDropdown.value?.hide()
const toggle = () => myDropdown.value?.toggle()

The following components can be placed inside your dropdowns. Using any other component or markup may break layout and/or keyboard navigation.

BDropdownItemAction items that provide click, link, and RouterLink/NuxtLink functionality. Renders as an <a> element by default
BDropdownItemButtonAn alternative to BDropdownItem that renders a menu item using a <button> element
BDropdownDividerA divider/spacer which can be used to separate dropdown items
BDropdownTextFree flowing text content in a menu
BDropdownGroupFor grouping dropdown sub-components with an optional header
BDropdownHeaderA header item, used to help identify a group of dropdown items
BDropdownFormFor placing form controls within a dropdown menu.


Nested sub-menus are not supported.


There are small differences in how the sub-components behave, please read our migration guide if you are converting from bootstrap-vue.


The BDropdownItem is typically used to create a navigation link inside your menu. Use either the href prop or the to prop (for router link support) to generate the appropriate navigation link. If neither href nor to are provided, a standard <a> link will be generated with an href of # (with an event handler that will prevent scroll to top behavior by preventing the default link action).

Disabled the dropdown item by setting the disabled prop.

<BDropdown text="Dropdown">
  <BDropdownItem>First Action</BDropdownItem>
  <BDropdownItem variant="primary">Second Action</BDropdownItem>
  <BDropdownItem active>Active action</BDropdownItem>
  <BDropdownItem disabled>Disabled action</BDropdownItem>
  <BDropdownItem to="/docs/components/badge">Badge</BDropdownItem>


Historically dropdown menu contents had to be links (BDropdownItem), but that is no longer the case with Bootstrap v5. Now you can optionally create <button> elements in your dropdowns by using the BDropdownItemButton sub-component. BDropdownItemButton does not support the href or to props.

Disabled the dropdown item button by setting the disabled prop.

<BDropdown text="Dropdown using buttons as menu items">
  <BDropdownItemButton>I am a button</BDropdownItemButton>
  <BDropdownItemButton active>I am a active button</BDropdownItemButton>
  <BDropdownItemButton disabled>I am a button, but disabled!</BDropdownItemButton>
  <BDropdownItemButton>I do not look like a button, but I am!</BDropdownItemButton>

When the menu item does not trigger navigation, it is recommended to use the BDropdownItemButton sub-component.


Separate groups of related menu items with BDropdownDivider.

<BDropdown text="Dropdown with divider">
  <BDropdownItemButton>First item</BDropdownItemButton>
  <BDropdownItemButton>Second item</BDropdownItemButton>
  <BDropdownDivider />
  <BDropdownItemButton>Separated Item</BDropdownItemButton>


Place any freeform text within a dropdown menu using the BDropdownText sub-component or use text combined with spacing utilities. Note that you'll likely need additional sizing styles to constrain/set the menu width.

<BDropdown text="Dropdown with text">
  <BDropdownText style="width: 240px">
    Some example text that is free-flowing within the dropdown menu.
  <BDropdownText tag="span">And this is more example text.</BDropdownText>
  <BDropdownDivider />
  <BDropdownItemButton>First item</BDropdownItemButton>
  <BDropdownItemButton>Second Item</BDropdownItemButton>

BDropdownText has the BootstrapVueNext custom class .b-dropdown-text applied to it which sets some basic styles which are suitable in most situations. By default, its width will be the same as the widest BDropdownItem content. You may need to place additional styles or helper classes on the component.



Group a set of dropdown sub-components with an optional associated header. Place a BDropdownDivider between your BDropdownGroup and other groups or non-grouped dropdown contents.

<BDropdown text="Dropdown with group">
  <BDropdownItemButton> Non-grouped Item </BDropdownItemButton>
  <BDropdownDivider />
  <BDropdownGroup header="Group 1">
    <BDropdownItemButton>First Grouped item</BDropdownItemButton>
    <BDropdownItemButton>Second Grouped Item</BDropdownItemButton>
  <BDropdownGroup header="Group 2" header-variant="primary">
    <BDropdownItemButton>First Grouped item</BDropdownItemButton>
    <BDropdownItemButton>Second Grouped Item</BDropdownItemButton>
  <BDropdownDivider />
  <BDropdownItemButton> Another Non-grouped Item </BDropdownItemButton>


Add a header to label sections of actions in any dropdown menu.

  • HTML
    <BDropdown text="Dropdown with header">
      <BDropdownHeader> Dropdown header </BDropdownHeader>
      <BDropdownItemButton aria-describedby="dropdown-header-label"> First item </BDropdownItemButton>
      <BDropdownItemButton aria-describedby="dropdown-header-label">
        Second Item

    See Section Headers and accessibility for details on making headers more accessible for users of assistive technologies.

    Using the BDropdownGroup sub-component simplifies creating accessible grouped dropdown items with an associated header.


    Add a form into your dropdown with BDropdownForm.

    <BDropdown text="Dropdown with form" auto-close="outside">
          label="Email address:"
          description="We'll never share your email with anyone else."
          <BFormInput id="email" type="email" placeholder="Enter email" required />
          description="We'll never share your email with anyone else."
          <BFormInput id="password" type="password" required />
        <BFormCheckbox id="remember" name="remember" value="remember" checked>
          Remember me</BFormCheckbox
        <BButton type="submit" variant="primary">Sign In</BButton>
      <BDropdownDivider />
      <BDropdownItemButton>New around here? Sign up</BDropdownItemButton>
      <BDropdownItemButton>Forget Password</BDropdownItemButton>

    Or make it inline.

    <BDropdown text="Dropdown with inline form" auto-close="outside">
      <BDropdownForm form-class="d-flex flex-row align-items-center flex-wrap">
        <BFormGroup label="Email:" label-for="email-inline" label-cols="3" label-align="end">
          <BFormInput id="email-inline" type="email" placeholder="Enter email" required />
        <BFormGroup label="Password:" label-for="password-inline" label-cols="4" label-align="end">
          <BFormInput id="password-inline" type="password" required />
      <BDropdownDivider />
      <BDropdownItemButton>New around here? Sign up</BDropdownItemButton>
      <BDropdownItemButton>Forget Password</BDropdownItemButton>


    Providing a unique id prop ensures ARIA compliance by automatically adding the appropriate aria-* attributes in the rendered markup. By default, the dropdown will render a unique id for every dropdown. However, this can be overwritten with the prop id.

    The default ARIA role is set to menu, but you can change this default to another role (such as navigation) via the role prop, depending on your use case.

    When a menu item does not trigger navigation, it is recommended to use the BDropdownItemButton sub-component (which is not announced as a link) instead of BDropdownItem (which is presented as a link to the user).

    Headers and accessibility

    When using BDropdownHeader components in the dropdown menu, it is recommended to add an id attribute to each of the headers, and then set the aria-describedby attribute (set to the id value of the associated header) on each following dropdown items under that header. This will provide users of assistive technologies (i.e. sight-impaired users) additional context about the dropdown item:

    <BDropdown text="Dropdown ARIA" variant="primary">
      <BDropdownHeader id="dropdown-header-1">Groups</BDropdownHeader>
      <BDropdownItemButton aria-describedby="dropdown-header-1">Add</BDropdownItemButton>
      <BDropdownItemButton aria-describedby="dropdown-header-1">Delete</BDropdownItemButton>
      <BDropdownHeader id="dropdown-header-2">Users</BDropdownHeader>
      <BDropdownItemButton aria-describedby="dropdown-header-2">Add</BDropdownItemButton>
      <BDropdownItemButton aria-describedby="dropdown-header-2">Delete</BDropdownItemButton>
      <BDropdownDivider />
        Something <strong>not</strong> associated with Users

    As a simplified alternative, use the BDropdownGroup instead to easily associate header text to the contained dropdown sub-components.

    Keyboard navigation

    Dropdowns support keyboard navigation, emulating native <select> behavior.

    Note that Down and Up will not move focus into BDropdownForm sub-components, but users can still use Tab or Shift+Tab to move into form controls within the menu.


    Dropdown menus can have their inner content rendered lazily through the lazy prop. By default, this is turned off. For navigation elements, it may be beneficial to keep lazy off, so web crawlers can properly comb through your sites navigation.

    <BDropdown lazy text="Dropdown">
      <BDropdownItem>First Action</BDropdownItem>
      <BDropdownItem>Second Action</BDropdownItem>
      <BDropdownItem>Third Action</BDropdownItem>
      <BDropdownDivider />
      <BDropdownItem active>Active action</BDropdownItem>
      <BDropdownItem disabled>Disabled action</BDropdownItem>

    Implementation notes

    The dropdown menu is rendered with semantic <ul> and <li> elements for accessibility reasons. The .dropdown-menu is the <ul> element, while dropdown items (items, buttons, text, form, headers, and dividers) are wrapped in an <li> element. If creating custom items to place inside the dropdown menu, ensure they are wrapped with a plain <li>.

    See also

    Component Reference

    aria-labelstringundefined Sets the value of `aria-label` attribute on the rendered element
    auto-closeboolean | 'inside' | 'outside'true Controls the automatic closing of the dropdown when clicking. See above for details.
    boundaryBoundary | RootBoundary'clippingAncestors' The boundary constraint of dropdown: any value of floating-us's Boundary or RootBoundary type. See above for details.
    boundary-paddingPaddingundefined The virtual padding around the boundary to check for overflow
    disabledbooleanfalse When set to `true`, disables the component's functionality and places it in a disabled state
    floating-middlewareMiddleware[]undefined Directly set the floating-ui middleware behavior. See above for details.
    idstringundefined Used to set the `id` attribute on the rendered content, and used as the base to generate any additional element IDs as needed
    initial-animationbooleanfalse When set, enables the initial animation on mount
    is-navbooleanfalse Indicates the dropdown is a nav dropdown
    lazybooleanfalse When set, the content will not be mounted until opened
    menu-classClassValueundefined CSS class (or classes) to add to the menu container
    model-valuebooleanfalse Controls the visibility of the component
    no-animationbooleanfalse When set, disables the animation
    no-caretbooleanfalse Hide the caret indicator on the toggle button
    no-fadebooleanfalse Alias for `noAnimation`
    no-flipbooleanfalse Prevent the menu from auto flipping positions
    no-shiftbooleanfalse Prevent the menu from automatically shifting positions
    no-sizebooleanfalse Prevent the menu from automatically resizing
    no-wrapperbooleanfalse Do not render the dropdown wrapper element
    offsetnumber | string | {mainAxis?: number; crossAxis?: number; alignmentAxis?: number | null0 Specify the number of pixels to shift the menu by. See above for details.
    placementPlacement'bottom-start' Placement of a floating element
    rolestring'menu' Sets the ARIA attribute `role` to a specific value
    showbooleanfalse When set, and prop 'visible' is false on mount, will animate from closed to open on initial mount. Mainly to help with template show. Use model-value for reactive show/hide
    sizeSize'md' Set the size of the component's appearance. 'sm', 'md' (default), or 'lg'
    splitbooleanfalse When set, renders a split button dropdown
    split-button-typeButtonType'button' Value to place in the 'type' attribute on the split button: 'button', 'submit', 'reset'
    split-classClassValueundefined CSS class (or classes) to add to the split button
    split-disabledbooleanundefined When set, the split button is disabled
    split-hrefstringundefined Denotes the target URL of the link for the split button
    split-toRouteLocationRawundefined Denotes the target route of the split button. When clicked, the value of the to prop will be passed to router.push() internally, so the value can be either a string or a Location descriptor object
    split-variantButtonVariant | nullundefined Applies one of the Bootstrap theme color variants to the split button. Defaults to the 'variant' prop value
    strategyStrategy'absolute' The strategy used to determine when to hide the dropdown. See above for details.
    teleport-disabledbooleanfalse Renders the dropdown in the exact place it was defined
    teleport-tostring | RendererElement | null | undefinedundefined Overrides the default teleport location
    textstringundefined Text to place in the toggle button, or in the split button is split mode
    toggle-classClassValueundefined CSS class (or classes) to add to the toggle button
    toggle-textstring'Toggle dropdown' ARIA label (visually-hidden) to set on the toggle when in split mode. Overriden by the slot of the same name
    trans-propsTransitionPropsundefined Transition properties
    unmount-lazybooleanfalse When set and `lazy` is true, the content will be unmounted when closed
    variantColorVariant | null'secondary' Applies one of the Bootstrap theme color variants to the component. When implemented `bg-variant` and `text-variant` will take precedence
    visiblebooleanfalse When 'true', open without animation
    wrapper-classClassValueundefined CSS class (or classes) to add to the wrapper element
    event: MouseEvent - Native click event object
    Emitted when button is clicked
    hiddenCalled after dropdown is hidden
    value: BvTriggerableEvent - Call value.preventDefault() to cancel hide
    Emitted just before dropdown is hidden. Cancelable
    hide-preventedEmitted when the dropdown tried to close, but was prevented from doing so.
    value: BvTriggerableEvent - Call value.preventDefault() to cancel show
    Emitted just before dropdown is shown. Cancelable
    show-preventedEmitted when the dropdown tried to open, but was prevented from doing so.
    shownCalled after dropdown is shown
    event: MouseEvent - Native click event object
    Emitted when split button is clicked in split mode
    toggleEmitted when toggle button is clicked
    button-contentCan be used to implement custom text with icons and more styling
    hide: () => void - Can be used to close the dropdown
    show: () => void - Can be used to open the dropdown
    Optionally scoped default slot for dropdown menu content
    toggle-textARIA label (visually-hidden) to set on the toggle when in split mode. Overrides the toggle-text prop
    divider-classClassValueundefined CSS class (or classes) to add to the divider component
    tagstring'hr' Specify the HTML tag to render instead of the default tag
    variantColorVariant | nullnull Applies one of the Bootstrap theme color variants to the component. When implemented `bg-variant` and `text-variant` will take precedence
    wrapper-attrsReadonly<AttrsValue>undefined Attributes to be applied to the wrapper element
    form-classClassValueundefined CSS class (or classes) to add to the form component
    novalidateundefinedNot yet implemented
    validatedundefinedNot yet implemented
    wrapper-attrsReadonly<AttrsValue>undefined Attributes to be applied to the wrapper element
    defaultContent to place in the dropdown form
    aria-describedbystringundefined The ID of the element that provides a description for this component. Used as the value for the `aria-describedby` attribute
    header-classClassValueundefined CSS class (or classes) to apply to the header
    header-tagstring'header' Specify the HTML tag to render instead of the default tag for the header
    header-variantColorVariant | nullundefined Applies one of the Bootstrap theme color variants to the header
    idstringundefined Used to set the `id` attribute on the rendered content, and used as the base to generate any additional element IDs as needed
    defaultContent (items) to place in the dropdown group
    headerOptional header content for the dropdown group
    header-classClassValueundefined CSS class (or classes) to apply to the header
    tagstring'div' Specify the HTML tag to render instead of the default tag
    textstringundefined Content to place in the dropdown text. Default slot takes precedence
    variantColorVariant | nullnull Applies one of the Bootstrap theme color variants to the component. When implemented `bg-variant` and `text-variant` will take precedence
    wrapper-attrsReadonly<AttrsValue>undefined Attributes to be applied to the wrapper element
    defaultContent to place in the dropdown header
    link-classClassValueundefined Class or classes to apply to the inner link element
    wrapper-attrsReadonly<AttrsValue>undefined Attributes to be applied to the wrapper element
    value: MouseEvent - Native click event object
    Emitted when item is clicked
    defaultContent to place in the dropdown item
    activebooleanfalse When set to `true`, places the component in the active state with active styling
    active-classClassValue'active' Configure the active CSS class applied when the link is active. Typically you will want to set this to class name 'active'
    button-classClassValueundefined Class or classes to apply to the inner button element
    disabledbooleanfalse When set to `true`, disables the component's functionality and places it in a disabled state
    variantColorVariant | nullnull Applies one of the Bootstrap theme color variants to the component. When implemented `bg-variant` and `text-variant` will take precedence
    wrapper-attrsReadonly<AttrsValue>undefined Attributes to be applied to the wrapper element
    value: MouseEvent - Native click event object
    Emitted when item is clicked
    defaultContent to place in the dropdown item button
    tagstring'span' Specify the HTML tag to render instead of the default tag
    textstringundefined Content to place in the dropdown text. Default slot takes precedence
    text-classClassValueundefined CSS class (or classes) to add to the text component
    variantColorVariant | nullnull Applies one of the Bootstrap theme color variants to the component. When implemented `bg-variant` and `text-variant` will take precedence
    wrapper-attrsReadonly<AttrsValue>undefined Attributes to be applied to the wrapper element
    defaultContent to place in the dropdown text