
Often times one may want to open a Toast in a global context, without the need for declaring a component, perhaps to display an error after a function threw an error. useToastController is used to create Toasts on demand. You must have initialized the BToastOrchestrator component once in your application. The following functionality requires the existance of that component


You must have initialized BToastOrchestrator component once and only once (doing multiple may display multiple Toasts). This is usually best placed at the App root.

<BToastOrchestrator />

The only props it access are teleportDisabled and teleportTo to modify the location that it is placed

In addition, it contains a few exposed methods. These exposed methods on the template ref correspond to those in the useToastController function, described below

  • remove
  • show
  • toasts

Showing a Toast

Showing a toast is done through the show method

  <BButton @click="show?.({props: {title: 'Hello', body: 'World'}})">Show</BButton>

<script setup lang="ts">
const {show} = useToastController()

The show method returns a symbol. This symbol is a unique id. Since Toasts are fluid and can move around a lot, returning the index at a given point in time is not ideal for as its position may be changed in the array. So, for use with the remove method, we need to give you a unique identifier

Show Options

The show method accepts an object with the following values props and component

The props property corresponds to mostly that of the BToast components props. The props object, in addition to the props declared on BToast, includes pos. The pos value effects its position, its type is Container Position

The props property excludes modelValue, it is replaced with value. These work the same, however, the difference being is that value is more of a proxy to modelValue, where most of the reactivity for showing/hiding is controlled by the function. (Meaning that a Toast can be removed without having to always input a reactive value)

Reactivity Within Show

show props property can accept a MaybeRefOrGetter, meaning that you can make properties reactive

  <BButton @click="showMe">Show</BButton>

<script setup lang="ts">
const {show} = useToastController()

const firstRef = ref<OrchestratedToast>({
  body: `${Math.random()}`,

setInterval(() => {
  firstRef.value.body = `${Math.random()}`
}, 1000)

const showMe = () => {
    props: computed(() => ({
      variant: (Number.parseInt(firstRef.value.body?.charAt(2) ?? '0') % 2 === 0
        ? 'danger'
        : 'info') as ColorVariant,

Advanced usage

Using props can work for most situations, but it leaves some finer control to be desired. For instance, you can not add HTML to any slot value. This is where the component property comes into play. Using the component property, you can input the component to render. This can either be an imported SFC or an inline render function

  <BButton @click="showMe">Show</BButton>

<script setup lang="ts">
import {BToast} from 'bootstrap-vue-next'

const {show} = useToastController()

const firstRef = ref<OrchestratedToast>({
  body: `${Math.random()}`,

setInterval(() => {
  firstRef.value.body = `${Math.random()}`
}, 1000)

const showMe = () => {
    props: () => ({
      body: firstRef.value.body,
    component: h(BToast, null, {default: () => `custom! ${firstRef.value.body}`}),
  // Demonstration psuedocode, you can also import a component and use it
  // const importedComponent () => {
  //   show({
  //     component: import('./MyToastComponent.vue'),
  //   })
  // }

This functionality depends on the root component emitting the destroyed event. For whatever case you may want to wrap the BToast element, you must re-emit destroyed

Programmatically Hiding a Toast

Hiding a Toast programmatically is very simple. Simply use the return value from the show method, and pass it into the remove function

    <BButton @click="showMe" variant="success"> Show the Toast </BButton>
    <BButton @click="hideMe" variant="danger"> Hide the Toast </BButton>

<script setup lang="ts">
const {show, remove} = useToastController()

let showValue: undefined | symbol

const showMe = () => {
  if (typeof showValue === 'symbol') return
  // `show` returns a symbol
  showValue = show?.({
    props: {title: 'Showing', value: true, variant: 'success', pos: 'bottom-center'},

const hideMe = () => {
  if (showValue === undefined) return
  showValue = undefined