<BCard v-b-tooltip="'My title'" />
<BCard v-b-tooltip="{title: 'My title'}" />
<BCard"'My title'" />
<BCard v-b-tooltip.focus.right="{title: 'My title'}" />
As shown above, the BoostrapVueNext directive named b-tooltip
should have a value, and optionally one or more modifiers. The general format for directives is is:
Triggers modifiers
We can define when we want to trigger a tooltip with the following modifiers.
- click
- hover
- focus
- manual
- click
If we do not specify any modifiers, the tooltip is by default enabled for "hover" and "focus".
Placement modifiers
We can specify where to place the tooltip with the following modifiers.
- left
- right
- bottom
- top
If we do not define any modifier, the placement will be "top".
The tooltip text is specified in the value, but remember that what is inside the "" is interpreted in Javascript, not as a string literal. So if you want have your tooltip say "My title", then you must use an extra pair of quotes, e.g. '', inside the "":
<BCard v-b-tooltip="'My title'" />
If you want to refer to the reactive variable userSurname
, you would do this:
<BCard v-b-tooltip="userSurname" />
In general, the value can be an object, a string, a function, or an element.
* Default title value if title attribute is not present.
* If a function is given, it will be called with its this reference set
* to the element that the popover is attached to.
* @default ''
title: string | Element | JQuery | ((this: HTMLElement) => string | Element | JQuery)
The object interface is the most flexible, alllowing these options:
interface ValueObject {
delay?: number // default: 0
placement?: 'auto' | 'top' | 'bottom' | 'left' | 'right'
title?: string
| 'click'
| 'hover'
| 'focus'
| 'manual'
| 'click hover'
| 'click focus'
| 'hover focus'
| 'click hover focus'
The delay to displaying (and hiding) the tooltip, in millisceonds. The default is 0.
When we are using a directive, we have two ways to define the title to use in the tooltip.
Incorrect use
<BCard title="my title" />
- First example it is using the property from BCard "title", this property is going to render something like:
<div class="card">
<div/> // header
<div title="my title">
//something here
</div> // footer
Where our title is going to be attached to a child element, but the custom directive is attached to our parent div with class "card".
So, it is not going to work, and we are going to see a warning in the developer's console.
<BCard"my title" />
Here we are not using a string, because is reading ts or js code. So, we need to set a literal string, a variable, function or so on.
Correct use
In that cases is working when the title is created in the root component, like this example:
<div title="my title">
<div class="card" title="my title">
//something here
In that case, the directive is detecting the title value, and it is going to be used correctly.
<BCard"'my title'" />
We should use the value type when the component is not setting to the root component a title. Notice that we should use ts/js code, a variable and so on.