Introduction ​

Get started with BootstrapVueNext and Bootstrap v5, the world’s most popular framework for building responsive, mobile-first sites.

Why BootstrapVueNext? ​

BootstrapVueNext is an attempt to have the BootstrapVue components in Vue3, Bootstrap 5, and typescript. Another goal is to have the components written in a simple and readable way for a better developer experience.

Contribute and Support πŸ™Œ ​

This project is still in alpha version so there is a lot of work to do. If you want to contribute you can:

Read our Contribution Guide on how to start helping.

Install ​

Installation - Vue.js ​

  • First install the package
// main.js/ts
import {createApp} from 'vue'
import {createBootstrap} from 'bootstrap-vue-next'

// Add the necessary CSS
import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css'
import 'bootstrap-vue-next/dist/bootstrap-vue-next.css'

const app = createApp(App)
app.use(createBootstrap()) // Important

Now, you can begin importing and using components

Automatic Registering of Components ​

By default, the plugin does not globally register components. In order to accomplish this, there are two methods

Tree-shaken Installation Method ​

To have components automatically registered and tree-shaken, we recommend unplugin-vue-components. Read their docs for additional details. This is in addition to the above installation steps

The following is an example of a basic vite.config.js/ts. All you need to do is add Components to the Vite plugins option, with the additional imports:

// vite.config.js/ts
import {defineConfig} from 'vite'
import vue from '@vitejs/plugin-vue'
import Components from 'unplugin-vue-components/vite'
import {BootstrapVueNextResolver} from 'unplugin-vue-components/resolvers'

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
      resolvers: [BootstrapVueNextResolver()],
Built-in Registry ​

This method for globally registering components is usually not recommended. The reason is because all components are registered in Vue, and thus are not automatically tree-shaken if you do not use them, increasing the bundle size

// main.js/ts
import {createApp} from 'vue'
import {createBootstrap} from 'bootstrap-vue-next'

// Add the necessary CSS
import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css'
import 'bootstrap-vue-next/dist/bootstrap-vue-next.css'

const app = createApp(App)
app.use(createBootstrap({components: true, directives: true})) // Change this line

Installation - Nuxt.js 3 ​

In your Nuxt3 application, install the necessary packages for bootstrap-vue-next.

Open your nuxt.config.js/ts file and configure your application to use bootstrap-vue-next. The components will be imported automatically as needed.

// nuxt.config.js/ts
export default defineNuxtConfig({
  modules: ['@bootstrap-vue-next/nuxt'],
  css: ['bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css'],

Enjoy it in your app without manual imports, and automatic tree-shaking.

    <BButton variant="primary" @click="show = !show">Click me</BButton>
    <BModal v-model="show">Test</BModal>

<script setup lang="ts">
const show = ref(false)

You can customize the options with the bootstrapVueNext key in your nuxt.config.

// nuxt.config.js/ts
export default defineNuxtConfig({
  modules: ['@bootstrap-vue-next/nuxt'],
  bootstrapVueNext: {
    composables: true, // Will include all composables
    // composables: {useBreadcrumb: true, useColorMode: true, all: false}, // Will include only useBreadcrumb & useColorMode
    // composables: {useBreadcrumb: false, useColorMode: false, all: true} // Will include everything except useBreadcrumb & useColorMode
    directives: {all: true}, // Will include all directives
  css: ['bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css'],

The practical difference between manually including an item and not is null as Nuxt should tree-shake out anything that is not used in the final build.

Installation - CDN ​

BootstrapVueNext is available through jsdelivr. You can add the package by using the following

<script src="{{version}}/dist/bootstrap-vue-next.umd.min.js"></script>
  • NOTE Do not forget to set the version!

Alternatively the ESM package is available as well

<script type="module">
  import bootstrapVueNext from '{{version}}/+esm'

Tree-shake CSS ​

If you are using one of the preferred installation methods, JS will be tree-shaken by default. The one thing we are not able to do automatically is optimize CSS. Methods like PurgeCSS are not ideal because of a limitation with the dynamic nature of class renderings and Vue (Problematic code like: [btn-${props.variant}]: props.variant !== undefined). With that being said, BootstrapVueNext does not handle CSS imports from Bootstrap, we only add some additional CSS ourselves. So, using a method such as Lean Sass Imports from the Bootstrap documentation is likely the best way to achieve the tiniest possible application size. Though it is not automatic, it should prove the safest bet for minifying your application.

Comparison with BootstrapVue ​

BootstrapVue is the parent project for which this is based on. We consider BootstrapVue as the best implementation of Bootstrap v4. We strive for a full compatibility list for BootstrapVue. However, due to the nature of the rewrite, some features may be missing or changed. If anyone has spotted a missing compatibility feature, we request that you submit a GitHub issue.