Reference - Table of Contents

BootstrapVueNext and Bootstrap reference, and additional resources documentation.

A brief overview of BootstrapVueNext's features and limitations for the creation of accessible content
Color variants are available when using the default Bootstrap v5 CSS and their mappings to CSS classes
Information on contributing to the BootstrapVueNext project
BootstrapVueNext does not include form validation by default; we leave that up to the many existing form validation plugins. Included here are some examples of validation plugins and how they may be integrated
Several BootstrapVueNext components support rendering `RouterLink` components compatible with Vue Router and Nuxt.js
BootstrapVue provides a few options for customizing component default values, and more
Bootstrap v5 CSS provides several classes that control the sizing of elements, of which some of these have been translated into props on components
Bootstrap v5 CSS includes a wide range of shorthand responsive margin and padding utility classes to modify an element's appearance
There are several ways you can create your app, from basic client side HTML all the way up to using a build system and compilers
Theming is accomplished by SASS variables, SASS maps, and custom CSS. There is no dedicated theme stylesheet; instead, you can enable the built-in theme to add gradients, shadows, and more.
There are several 3rd party libraries that you can use to add additional functionality and features to your BootstrapVue project
Bootstrap v5 CSS provides various utility classes to control color, spacing, flex-box, text alignment, floating, position, responsive display/hiding and much more