Form Spinbutton

The Form SpinButton allows the user to adjusting a numeric range with finite control


The component BFormSpinbutton is WAI-ARIA compliant, allowing for keyboard control, and supports both horizontal (default) and vertical layout

Similar to range type inputs, BootstrapVue's BFormSpinbutton does not allow the user to type in a value


Value: 50

  <label for="demo-sb">Spin Button</label>
  <BFormSpinbutton id="demo-sb" v-model="value" min="1" max="100" />
  <p>Value: {{ value }}</p>

<script setup lang="ts">
import {ref} from 'vue'

const value = ref(50)

The ArrowUp and ArrowDown keys can be used to increment or decrement the value

To be submitted via native browser form submits, the spinbutton must have a name set via the name prop. This will create a hidden input containing the current value of the spinbutton. If the spinbutton does not have a value, the hidden input's value will be an empty string

v-model value

The v-model always returns the value as a number. The v-model can be null if no initial value is set

If the initial value is null no value will be displayed in the spinbutton. Use the placeholder prop to show a string when the spinbutton has no value

Min, max, and step

Spinbuttons have a default range from 1 to 100, which can be changed by setting the min and max props. The default step increment is 1, and can be changed via the step prop (decimal values allowed)

<label for="sb-step">Spin button with step of 0.25</label>
<BFormSpinbutton id="sb-step" min="0" max="10" step="0.25" placeholder="--" />

Number wrapping

By default, when the value is increased to the max value, it pressing the increment button will have no effect. Similarly when the value is as the min value, pressing the decrement button will have no effect

To allow the spin button to wrap from max to min when incrementing (or min to max when decrementing), set the wrap prop to true

<label for="sb-wrap">Wrapping value spin button</label>
<BFormSpinbutton id="sb-wrap" wrap min="1" max="25" placeholder="--" />



As with other form controls, BFormSpinbutton supports small and large sizing via setting the size prop to either 'sm' or 'lg', respectively

<label for="sb-small">Spin button - Small size</label>
<BFormSpinbutton id="sb-small" size="sm" placeholder="--" class="mb-2" />
<label for="sb-default">Spin button - Default size</label>
<BFormSpinbutton id="sb-default" placeholder="--" class="mb-2" />
<label for="sb-large">Spin button - Large size</label>
<BFormSpinbutton id="sb-large" size="lg" placeholder="--" class="mb-2" />


<label for="sb-inline">Inline spin button</label>
<BFormSpinbutton id="sb-inline" inline placeholder="--" />

The Spinbutton will automatically adjust it's width to fit the displayed value. See the Width section below for details on controlling or setting the width


Spinbuttons can be oriented in vertical mode:

<label for="sb-vertical">Vertical spin button</label>
<BFormSpinbutton id="sb-vertical" vertical placeholder="--" />

Vertical spin buttons can also be sized using the size prop. When in vertical mode, the spin button is rendered as an inline element

The spin button will automatically adjust its width to fit the displayed value. See the Width section below for details on controlling or setting the width.


The control (when not vertical or inline) will expand to the maximum width of the parent container You can control width via utility classes such as w-25, w-50, w-75, or use styles to set the width

When either vertical or inline is set, the control will adjust its width based on the displayed value. You can use css style to control the overall width of the control (i.e. style="width: 10rem)

Number formatting and locale

By default BFormSpinbutton will format the displayed number in the users browser default locale. You can change the localized formatting by specifying a locale (or array of locales) via the locale prop. Number format localization is performed via Intl.NumberFormat. The locales available will be dependent on the browser implementation. Localization only controls the presentation of the value to the user, and does not affect the v-model


Value: 0

  <label for="sb-locales">Locale</label>
  <BFormSelect id="sb-locales" v-model="locale" :options="locales" />
  <label for="sb-local" class="mt-2">Spin button with locale</label>
  <BFormSpinbutton id="sb-locale" v-model="value" :locale="locale" min="0" max="10" step="0.125" />
  <p>Value: {{ value }}</p>

<script setup lang="ts">
import {ref} from 'vue'

const value = ref(0)

const locale = ref('fr-CA')
const locales = [
  {value: 'en', text: 'English'},
  {value: 'de', text: 'German'},
  {value: 'fr-CA', text: 'French (Canadian)'},
  {value: 'fa', text: 'Persian'},
  {value: 'ar-EG', text: 'Arabic (Egyptian)'},
] as const

Alternatively, you can provide your own number formatter function to format the value displayed. This is useful for displaying text instead of a number, or if you want to implement different features of Intl.NumberFormat

To provide a formatter function, set the prop formatter-fn to a method reference. The formatter is passed a single argument which is the current value. Note the formatter only affects the value displayed to the user and does not affect the v-model

Custom Formatter


Value: 0

  <label for="sb-locales">Locale</label>
  <BFormSelect id="sb-locales" v-model="locale" :options="locales" />
  <label for="sb-local" class="mt-2">Spin button with locale</label>
  <BFormSpinbutton id="sb-locale" v-model="value" :locale="locale" min="0" max="10" step="0.125" />
  <p>Value: {{ value }}</p>

<script setup lang="ts">
import {ref} from 'vue'

const value = ref(0)

const locale = ref('fr-CA')
const locales = [
  {value: 'en', text: 'English'},
  {value: 'de', text: 'German'},
  {value: 'fr-CA', text: 'French (Canadian)'},
  {value: 'fa', text: 'Persian'},
  {value: 'ar-EG', text: 'Arabic (Egyptian)'},
] as const

Disabled and readonly states

  <!-- #region template -->
    <BCol md="6" class="mb-2">
      <label for="sb-disabled">Disabled spin button</label>
      <BFormSpinbutton id="sb-disabled" disabled placeholder="--" />
    <BCol md="6" class="mb-2">
      <label for="sb-readonly" class="">Readonly spin button</label>
      <BFormSpinbutton id="sb-readonly" readonly placeholder="--" />
  <!-- #endregion template -->

Validation states

When you default to a null value, and the user has not selected a value, you can use the state prop to apply one of the contextual validation styles to the component

  • true applies the valid styling to the component
  • false applies the invalid styling to the component
  • null applies no contextual styling (the default)

Required prop

Note that the required prop only generates the aria-required="true" attribute on the component, and does not perform any validation on form submit. You must validate the v-model in your application logic

Note that if the prop required is set, and the v-model is null, the attribute aria-invalid="true" will be rendered on the component


The update:model-value event is used to update the v-model and is emitted any time the value changes

The change event is emitted once the user releases the mouse button (when pressing the increment or decrement buttons) or when the user releases the ArrowDown or ArrowUp key. This can be handy when you need to debounce the input

The following example illustrates the difference between the update:model-value and change events. Click and hold the increment or decrement button (or use the up/down arrow keys)


Input event: 0

Change event:

  <label for="sb-input">Spin button - input and change events</label>
  <BFormSpinbutton id="sb-input" v-model="value1" wrap @change="value2 = $event" />
  <p>Input event: {{ value1 }}</p>
  <p>Change event: {{ value2 }}</p>

<script setup lang="ts">
import {ref} from 'vue'

const value1 = ref(0)
const value2 = ref<number | null>(null)


The following keyboard controls are available when the spin button is focused:

  • Home Sets the value to the min value
  • End Sets the value to the max value
  • ArrowUp Increases the value by the step amount
  • ArrowDown Decreases the value by the step amount
  • PageUp Increases the value by the step amount times the repeat-step-multiplier amount
  • PageDown Decreases the value by the step amount times the repeat-step-multiplier amount

Note the the repeat-delay, repeat-threshold and repeat-interval only applies to the ArrowUp or ArrowDown keys

Component Reference

aria-controlsAriaInvalidundefined If this component controls another component or element, set this to the ID of the controlled component or element
aria-labelstringundefined Sets the value of `aria-label` attribute on the rendered element
disabledbooleanfalse When set to `true`, disables the component's functionality and places it in a disabled state
formstringundefined ID of the form that the form control belongs to. Sets the `form` attribute on the control
formatter-fn(value: number) => stringundefined
idstringundefined Used to set the `id` attribute on the rendered content, and used as the base to generate any additional element IDs as needed
inlineboolean'false' When set, renders the component as an inline element
label-decrementstring'Decrement' Text to be used for the `aria-label` attribute on the decrement button
label-incrementstring'Increment' Text to be used for the `aria-label` attribute on the increment button
localestring'undefined' Specify the local to use for formatting the number. Defaults to the browser locale. Only applicable when using the internal formatter
maxNumberish'100' The maximum value that can be selected. Must be greater than the `min` prop. Negative numbers are allowed
minNumberish'1' The minimum value that can be selected. Negative numbers are allowed
namestringundefined Sets the value of the `name` attribute on the form control
placeholderstring'undefined' Value to show when the v-model is `null`
readonlyboolean'false' Sets the `readonly` attribute on the form control
repeat-delayNumberish'500' Delay in milliseconds after before auto repeat increment or decrement happens. Must be a positive integer. Requires the user to click/keydown and hold
repeat-intervalNumberish'100' Interval in milliseconds between increment or decrement repeats. Must be a positive integer
repeat-step-multiplierNumberish'4' Number of steps to jump by once the `repeat-threshold` has been reached. Must be a positive integer. This value is also used for the page up and down keys
repeat-thresholdNumberish'10' Number of repeats to occur before increasing the step size by `repeat-step-multiplier`. Must be a positive integer
requiredbooleanundefined Adds the `required` attribute to the form control
sizeSize'md' Set the size of the component's appearance. 'sm', 'md' (default), or 'lg'
stateValidationStateundefined Controls the validation state appearance of the component. `true` for valid, `false` for invalid, or `null` for no validation state
stepNumberish'1' A positive number that specifies the granularity that the value must adhere to
verticalboolean'false' When set, renders the component with a vertical layout
wrapboolean'false' When set, renders the component with a vertical layout
value: number | null - Currently value of the spinbutton control.
Emitted when the user releases the mouse button or key
value: number | null - Currently value of the spinbutton control.
Emitted to update the v-model on each value change
has-focus: boolean - `true` when the spinbutton has focus
Custom content to place in the decrement button
has-focus: boolean - `true` when the spinbutton has focus
Custom content to place in the increment button