Form Textarea

Create multi-line text inputs with support for auto height sizing, minimum and maximum number of rows, and contextual states.

  <BFormTextarea v-model="textEx" placeholder="Enter something..." rows="3" />

  <pre class="mt-3 mb-0">{{ textEx }}</pre>

<script setup lang="ts">
import {ref} from 'vue'

const textEx = ref()

Control sizing

Set text height using the size prop to sm or lg for small or large respectively.

To control width, place the input inside standard Bootstrap grid column.

  <BCol sm="2">
    <label for="textarea-small">Small:</label>
  <BCol sm="10">
    <BFormTextarea id="textarea-small" size="sm" placeholder="Small textarea" />
<BRow class="mt-2">
  <BCol sm="2">
    <label for="textarea-default">Default:</label>
  <BCol sm="10">
    <BFormTextarea id="textarea-default" placeholder="Default textarea" />
<BRow class="mt-2">
  <BCol sm="2">
    <label for="textarea-large">Large:</label>
  <BCol sm="10">
    <BFormTextarea id="textarea-large" size="lg" placeholder="Large textarea" />

Displayed rows

To set the height of BFormTextarea, set the rows prop to the desired number of rows. If no value is provided to rows, then it will default to 2 (the browser default and minimum acceptable value). Setting it to null or a value below 2 will result in the default of 2 being used.

<BFormTextarea id="textarea-rows" placeholder="Tall textarea" rows="8" />

Disable resize handle

Some web browsers will allow the user to re-size the height of the textarea. To disable this feature, set the no-resize prop to true.

<BFormTextarea id="textarea-no-resize" placeholder="Fixed height textarea" rows="3" no-resize />

Auto height

<BFormTextarea> can also automatically adjust its height (text rows) to fit the content, even as the user enters or deletes text. The height of the textarea will either grow or shrink to fit the content (grow to a maximum of max-rows or shrink to a minimum of rows).

To set the initial minimum height (in rows), set the rows prop to the desired number of lines (or leave it at the default of 2), And then set maximum rows that the text area will grow to (before showing a scrollbar) by setting the max-rows prop to the maximum number of lines of text.

To make the height sticky (i.e. never shrink), set the no-auto-shrink prop to true. The no-auto-shrink props has no effect if max-rows is not set or is equal to or less than rows.

Note that the resize handle of the textarea (if supported by the browser) will automatically be disabled in auto-height mode.

<BContainer fluid>
    <BCol sm="2">
      <label for="textarea-auto-height">Auto height:</label>
    <BCol sm="10">
        placeholder="Auto height textarea"

  <BRow class="mt-2">
    <BCol sm="2">
      <label for="textarea-no-auto-shrink">No auto-shrink:</label>
    <BCol sm="10">
        placeholder="Auto height (no-shrink) textarea"

Contextual states

Bootstrap includes validation styles for valid and invalid states on most form controls.

Generally speaking, you'll want to use a particular state for specific types of feedback:

  • false (denotes invalid state) is great for when there is a blocking or required field. A user must fill in this field properly to submit the form
  • true (denotes valid state) is ideal for situations when you have per-field validation throughout a form and want to encourage a user through the rest of the fields
  • null Displays no validation state (neither valid nor invalid)

To apply one of the contextual state icons on BFormTextarea, set the state prop to false (for invalid), true (for valid), or null (no validation state).

    :state="textStates.length >= 10"
    placeholder="Enter at least 10 characters"

<script setup lang="ts">
import {ref} from 'vue'

const textStates = ref('')

Conveying contextual state to assistive technologies and colorblind users

Using these contextual states to denote the state of a form control only provides a visual, color-based indication, which will not be conveyed to users of assistive technologies - such as screen readers - or to colorblind users.

Ensure that an alternative indication of state is also provided. For instance, you could include a hint about state in the form control's <label> text itself, or by providing an additional help text block.

aria-invalid attribute

When BFormTextarea has an invalid contextual state (i.e. state is false) you may also want to set the prop aria-invalid to true, or one of the supported values:

  • false: No errors (default)
  • true or 'true': The value has failed validation
  • 'grammar': A grammatical error has been detected
  • 'spelling' A spelling error has been detected

If the state prop is set to false, and the aria-invalid prop is not explicitly set, BFormTextarea will automatically set the aria-invalid attribute to 'true'.

Formatter support

BFormTextarea optionally supports formatting by passing a function reference to the formatter prop.

Formatting (when a formatter function is supplied) occurs when the control's native input and change events fire. You can use the boolean prop lazy-formatter to restrict the formatter function to being called on the control's native blur event.

The formatter function receives two arguments: the raw value of the input element, and the native event object that triggered the format (if available).

The formatter function should return the formatted value as a string.

Formatting does not occur if a formatter is not provided.

We will convert your text to lowercase instantly


This one is a little lazy!


    label="Textarea with formatter (on input)"
    description="We will convert your text to lowercase instantly"
      placeholder="Enter your text"

  <p style="white-space: pre-line"><b>Value:</b> {{ textFormatter }}</p>

    label="Textarea with lazy formatter (on blur)"
    description="This one is a little lazy!"
      placeholder="Enter your text"

  <p class="mb-0" style="white-space: pre-line"><b>Value:</b> {{ textFormatter2 }}</p>

<script setup lang="ts">
import {ref} from 'vue'

const textFormatter = ref('')
const textFormatter2 = ref('')

const formatter = (value: string) => value.toLowerCase()

Note: With non-lazy formatting, if the cursor is not at the end of the input value, the cursor may jump to the end after a character is typed. You can use the provided event object and the to access the native input's selection methods and properties to control where the insertion point is. This is left as an exercise for the reader.

Readonly plain text

If you want to have <BFormTextarea readonly> elements in your form styled as plain text, set the plaintext prop (no need to set readonly as it will be set automatically) to remove the default form field styling and preserve the correct text size, margin, padding and height.

  <BFormTextarea id="textarea-plaintext" plaintext :model-value="textReadOnly" />

<script setup lang="ts">
const textReadOnly = 'This is some text.\nIt is read only and does not look like an input.'

Floating labels

When using floating labels in BFormTextsArea controls, don't use the rows property to set a custom height. Instead set an explicit height (either inline or via custom CSS) as per the Bootstrap 5 documentation.

  <BFormFloatingLabel label="type something" label-for="textarea-floatinglabel">
      placeholder="Enter something..."
      style="height: 6rem"

  <pre class="mt-3 mb-0">{{ textFloatingLabel }}</pre>

<script setup lang="ts">
import {ref} from 'vue'

const textFloatingLabel = ref()

v-model modifiers

We support the native modifiers trim, lazy, and number. They work as documented in vue.js, so there is no longer a need for trim, lazy, or number properties as in BSV.

Debounce support

As an alternative to the lazy modifier prop, <BFormTextarea> optionally supports debouncing user input, updating the v-model after a period of idle time from when the last character was entered by the user (or a change event occurs). If the user enters a new character (or deletes characters) before the idle timeout expires, the timeout is re-started.

To enable debouncing, set the prop debounce to any integer greater than zero. The value is specified in milliseconds. Setting debounce to 0 will disable debouncing.

Note: debouncing will not occur if the lazy prop is set.

  <BFormTextarea id="textarea-debounce" v-model="textDebounce" rows="3" debounce="500" />

  <pre class="mt-3 mb-0">{{ textDebounce }}</pre>

<script setup lang="ts">
import {ref} from 'vue'

const textDebounce = ref()


When the autofocus prop is set on BFormTextarea, the textarea will be auto-focused when it is inserted (i.e. mounted) into the document or re-activated when inside a Vue KeepAlive component. Note that this prop does not set the autofocus attribute on the textarea, nor can it tell when the textarea becomes visible.

Native and custom events

All native events are supported, without the need for the .native modifier.

See the migration guide for changes handling of the change and input events from bootstrap-vue.

Exposed input properties and methods

BFormInput exposes the native input element (of type HTMLInputElement) on the component as a reference with name element. You can use that reference to access the native properties and methods.

e.g. <BFormInput ref="foo" ... />, const foo = ref<InstanceType<typeof BFormInput> | null>(null), and then foo?.value?.element?.methodName or foo?.value?.element?.propertyName

    placeholder="Enter something..."

  <button class="btn btn-primary mt-1" @click="selectText">Select text</button>

<script setup lang="ts">
import type {BFormTextarea} from 'bootstrap-vue-next'
import {ref} from 'vue'

const textSelectEx = ref('')
const textArea = ref<InstanceType<typeof BFormTextarea> | null>(null)

const selectText = () => {

Input properties

.validityRead only
.validationMessageRead only
.willValidateRead only

Input methods

.focus()Focus the input
.blur()Remove focus from the input
.select()Selects all text within the input

Refer to [] for more information on these methods and properties. Support will vary based on input type.

Component Reference

aria-invalidAriaInvalidundefined Sets the `aria-invalid` attribute value on the wrapper element. When not provided, the `state` prop will control the attribute
autocompletestring'false' Sets the 'autocomplete' attribute value on the form control
autofocusbooleanfalse When set to `true`, attempts to auto-focus the control when it is mounted, or re-activated when in a keep-alive. Does not set the `autofocus` attribute on the control
debounceNumberish'0' When set to a number of milliseconds greater than zero, will debounce the user input. Has no effect if prop 'lazy' is set
debounce-max-waitNumberish'NaN' The maximum time in milliseconds allowed to be delayed before it''s invoked
disabledbooleanfalse When set to `true`, disables the component's functionality and places it in a disabled state
formstringundefined ID of the form that the form control belongs to. Sets the `form` attribute on the control
formatter(val: string, evt: Event) => string'undefined' Reference to a function for formatting the input
idstringundefined Used to set the `id` attribute on the rendered content, and used as the base to generate any additional element IDs as needed
lazy-formatterboolean'false' When set, the input is formatted on blur instead of each keystroke (if there is a formatter specified)
liststring'undefined' The ID of the associated datalist element or component
max-rowsNumberish'undefined' The maximum number of rows to display. Must be a value greater than 1
model-valueNumberish | null'""' The current value of the textarea
namestringundefined Sets the value of the `name` attribute on the form control
no-auto-shrinkbooleanfalse When set, disables the auto-shrink feature when the textarea is in auto-height mode
no-resizebooleanfalse When set, disabled the browser's resize handle which prevents the user from changing the height of the textarea. Automatically set when in auto height mode
placeholderstring'''' Sets the `placeholder` attribute value on the form control
plaintextboolean'false' Set the form control as readonly and renders the control to look like plain text (no borders)
readonlyboolean'false' Sets the `readonly` attribute on the form control
requiredbooleanundefined Adds the `required` attribute to the form control
rowsNumberish2 The minimum number of rows to display. Must be a value greater than 1
sizeSize'md' Set the size of the component's appearance. 'sm', 'md' (default), or 'lg'
stateValidationStateundefined Controls the validation state appearance of the component. `true` for valid, `false` for invalid, or `null` for no validation state
wrapstring'soft' The value to place on the textarea's 'wrap' attribute. Controls how line break are returned
value: string - Value of textarea, after any formatting. Not emitted if the value does not change
Emitted when the selected value(s) are changed. Looking for the `input` or `change` event - use `update:model-value` instead.