Card Title
Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.
Go somewherePlaceholders are components that indicate that something may still be loading.
At the placeholder core, you have the BPlaceholder
<BPlaceholder cols="7" />
<BPlaceholder width="65" />
<BPlaceholder cols="6" />
You can adjust the width using props width
and cols
. Cols is a number value 1-12, whereas width is a percentage. Width takes priority over cols.
<BPlaceholder width="30" cols="12" />
<BPlaceholder width="75%" variant="danger" />
<BPlaceholder width="12" variant="warning" />
<BPlaceholder :cols="6" variant="info" />
<BPlaceholder cols="8" variant="info" />
Bootstrap supports two types of animations, wave
and glow
, the image does not inherit an animation<BPlaceholderCard style="max-width: 20rem; " animation="glow" />
<BPlaceholderCard style="max-width: 20rem; " animation="wave" />
<BPlaceholder animation="glow" />
You can adjust the sizing of a placeholder by using the size
prop. Acceptable values are 'xs', 'sm', or 'lg'.
<BPlaceholder size="lg" />
<BPlaceholder size="sm" />
<BPlaceholder size="xs" />
has several wrapper components to quickly create larger component sets, such as BPlaceholderCard
, BPlaceholderTable
, and BPlaceholderButton
The BPlaceholderWrapper
is a renderless component that picks between a 'loading' component, and a 'finished' component. It is useful when you have to wait for loading to finish, before rendering the actual content. Depending on the use case, you may prefer to use Suspense instead.
Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.
Go somewhere<template>
<BPlaceholderWrapper :loading="loading">
<template #loading>
<BPlaceholderCard style="max-width: 20rem;" no-footer />
title="Card Title"
style="max-width: 20rem;"
Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's
<BButton href="#placeholder-wrapper" variant="primary">Go somewhere</BButton>
<BButton @click="startLoading">Restart</BButton>
<script setup lang="ts">
const loading = ref(false)
watchEffect(() => {
if (loading.value === true) {
setTimeout(() => {
loading.value = false
}, 5000)
const startLoading = () => {
if (loading.value === true) return
loading.value = true
You can easily render a placeholder that has the button styling by using BPlaceholderButton
<BPlaceholderButton cols="3" />
Placeholders have built-in support for rendering a placeholder card with BPlaceholderCard
<BPlaceholderCard style="max-width: 20rem" />
You can also render a full placeholder table with BPlaceholderTable
<BPlaceholderTable />
Cards expose various props and slots to make them more personalized.
You can adjust the image using various props, such as imgBlankColor
, and imgBottom
, or you can optionally use imgSrc
to place a real image, rather than a blank.
Each section of the BPlaceholderCard
exposes its slot elements, so you can easily override the defaults. Available slots are: img
, header
, default
, and footer
The footer also exposes some props that you can use to adjust the behavior of a button. Most notably prop noButton
. If set to true, it will convert it to a basic placeholder appearance. Alternatively, you can use the noFooter
prop to remove it altogether.
<BPlaceholderCard img-src="" img-bottom no-header>
<template #footer>
<template #default>
<BPlaceholder />
<BPlaceholder width="65" variant="danger" />
<BPlaceholder cols="6" variant="info" />
comes with various props to adjust the number of rows, columns, header/footer, and their stylings.
You can adjust the number of columns and rows using props columns
and rows
respectively. You can use showFooter
to show the footer, or noHeader
to hide the header. Both the footer and header have cellWidth, size, animation, and variant adjustments by prepending the type with the styling, eg: headerCellWidth
, headerSize
, footerAnimation
, footerVariant
Optionally, you can manually adjust any scope of the table using slots. The following slots are available: thead
, default
, and tfoot
. Do note that the slots wrap the entire table scope, slot thead
is the entire thead, and slot default
is the entire tbody, so you will likely need to manually wrap your slot usages in these elements if you plan on using them.
<template #default>
<BPlaceholder size="lg" variant="secondary" />
<BPlaceholder size="sm" variant="secondary" />
<BPlaceholder size="xs" variant="secondary" />
<BPlaceholder variant="warning" />
<BPlaceholder animation="wave" variant="warning" />
<BPlaceholder animation="glow" variant="danger" />
Prop | Type | Default | Description |
animation | PlaceholderAnimation | undefined | |
cols | Numberish | 12 | |
size | PlaceholderSize | 'md' | |
tag | string | 'span' | |
variant | ColorVariant | null | null | |
width | Numberish | undefined | |
wrapper-tag | string | 'span' |
Prop | Type | Default | Description |
animation | PlaceholderAnimation | undefined | |
footer-animation | PlaceholderAnimation | undefined | |
footer-size | PlaceholderSize | 'md' | |
footer-variant | ColorVariant | null | undefined | |
footer-width | Numberish | 100 | |
header-animation | PlaceholderAnimation | undefined | |
header-size | PlaceholderSize | 'md' | |
header-variant | ColorVariant | null | undefined | |
header-width | Numberish | 100 | |
img-blank-color | string | '#868e96' | |
img-height | Numberish | 100 | |
img-placement | 'top' | 'bottom' | 'top' | |
img-src | string | undefined | |
no-button | boolean | false | |
no-footer | boolean | false | |
no-header | boolean | false | |
no-img | boolean | false | |
size | PlaceholderSize | 'md' | |
variant | ColorVariant | null | undefined |
Name | Scope | Description |
default | Overrides the default placeholders | |
footer | Overrides the footer default | |
header | Overrides the header default | |
img | Overrides the img default |
Prop | Type | Default | Description |
loading | boolean | false | Determines whether the loading slot should be displayed |
Name | Scope | Description |
default | Content to show when the `loading` prop is `false` | |
loading | Content to show when the `loading` prop is `true` |
Prop | Type | Default | Description |
animation | PlaceholderAnimation | undefined | |
cell-width | Numberish | 100 | |
columns | Numberish | 5 | |
footer-animation | PlaceholderAnimation | undefined | |
footer-cell-width | Numberish | 100 | |
footer-columns | Numberish | undefined | |
footer-size | PlaceholderSize | 'md' | |
footer-variant | ColorVariant | null | undefined | |
header-animation | PlaceholderAnimation | undefined | |
header-cell-width | Numberish | 100 | |
header-columns | Numberish | undefined | |
header-size | PlaceholderSize | 'md' | |
header-variant | ColorVariant | null | undefined | |
no-header | boolean | false | |
rows | Numberish | 3 | |
show-footer | boolean | false | |
size | PlaceholderSize | 'md' | |
variant | ColorVariant | null | undefined |
Name | Scope | Description |
default | Overwrites the tbody of the table | |
tfoot | Overwrites the tfoot of the table | |
thead | Overwrites the thead of the table |
Prop | Type | Default | Description |
animation | PlaceholderAnimation | undefined | |
cols | Numberish | undefined | |
tag | string | 'div' | |
variant | ColorVariant | null | 'primary' | |
width | Numberish | undefined |