
useModalController can hide modals everywhere in the app, as well as creating modals on the fly


You must have initialized BModalOrchestrator component once and only once (doing multiple may display multiple Modals). This is usually best placed at the App root.

<BModalOrchestrator />

The only props it access are teleportDisabled and teleportTo to modify the location that it is placed

In addition, it contains a few exposed methods. These exposed methods on the template ref correspond to those in the useToastController function, described below

  • confirm
  • show
  • modals

Creating Modals

Showing a modal is done through the show or confirm method

  <BButton @click="showExample">Click me</BButton>

<script setup lang="ts">
const {confirm} = useModalController()
const modal = useModal()

const showExample = async () => {
  const value = await confirm?.({props: {title: 'Hello World!'}}){props: {title: `Promise resolved to ${value}`, variant: 'info'}})

Reactivity Within Show

show and confirm props property can accept a MaybeRefOrGetter, meaning that you can make properties reactive

  <BButton @click="showReactiveExample">Click me</BButton>

<script setup lang="ts">
const {show} = useModalController()

const title = ref('Hello')

setInterval(() => {
  title.value = title.value === 'Hello' ? 'World' : 'Hello'
}, 2500)

const showReactiveExample = () => {
    props: computed(() => ({
      title: title.value,

Advanced Creation

Using props can work for most situations, but it leaves some finer control to be desired. For instance, you can not add HTML to any slot value. This is where the component property comes into play. Using the component property, you can input the component to render. This can either be an imported SFC or an inline render function

  <BButton @click="showMeAdvancedExample">Click me</BButton>

<script setup lang="ts">
const {show} = useModalController()

const firstRef = ref<OrchestratedToast>({
  body: `${Math.random()}`,

setInterval(() => {
  firstRef.value.body = `${Math.random()}`
}, 1000)

const showMeAdvancedExample = () => {
    props: () => ({
      body: firstRef.value.body,
    component: h(BModal, null, {default: () => `custom ${firstRef.value.body}`}),

  // Demonstration psuedocode, you can import a component and use it
  // const importedComponent = () => {
  //   show?.({
  //     component: import('./MyModalComponent.vue'),
  //   })
  // }

Show vs Confirm

The difference between show and confirm is simple. Both methods accept the same parameters. The difference being that show will always have its promise resolve to true, whereas confirm can be one of true, false, or null. Clicking the ok button will resolve to true, cancel to false and any other closable action null (clicking the backdrop, or some other custom closing action. More accurately, when the hide function does not pass in the trigger parameter of ok or cancel)

Globally Hiding Modals

In addition to being able to create modals in a global context, you are also able to hide modals from anywhere in the app. This specific feature does not require that BModalOrchestrator exists

  <BButton @click="nestedModal1 = !nestedModal1">Open First Modal</BButton>
  <BModal v-model="nestedModal1" title="First Modal" ok-only>
    <p class="my-2">First Modal</p>
      <BButton @click="nestedModal2 = !nestedModal2">Open Second Modal</BButton>
      <BButton @click="hide">Hide Last</BButton>
      <BButton @click="hideAll">Hide All</BButton>
  <BModal v-model="nestedModal2" title="Second Modal" ok-only>
    <p class="my-2">Second Modal</p>
      <BButton @click="nestedModal3 = !nestedModal3" size="sm">Open Third Modal</BButton>
      <BButton @click="hide">Hide Last</BButton>
      <BButton @click="hideAll">Hide All</BButton>
  <BModal v-model="nestedModal3" title="Third Modal" ok-only>
    <p class="my-1">Third Modal</p>
      <BButton @click="hide">Hide Last</BButton>
      <BButton @click="hideAll">Hide All</BButton>

<script setup lang="ts">
const nestedModal1 = ref(false)
const nestedModal2 = ref(false)
const nestedModal3 = ref(false)

const {hide, hideAll} = useModalController()